2025 Photo Contest!

2025 Texas Butterfly Festival Photo Contest

The 2025 North American Butterfly Photo Contest will be open for entries this summer! 


By entering you agree to the contest terms of use (see below). There is a $25 flat fee per entry, which covers the submission of up to five (5) photos; all photos you wish to enter must be uploaded at the time of entry, as you won't be able to upload additional photos at a later date. For this reason, please have all photos you wish to enter into consideration for the contest ready to upload at once. Note: contestants may enter as many times as they wish, and submit up to five (5) images per entry.

SPONSOR: The North American Butterfly Photo Contest (Contest) is sponsored by the National Butterfly Center (NBC).

National Butterfly Center
3333 Butterfly Park Drive
Mission TX 78572

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ELIGIBILITY: The Contest is open to everyone, except contest judges, employees, officers and directors of NABA and/or the National Butterfly Center.


  • Photographs must be entered in a one-time submission beginning September 1, 2025 and ending September 30, 2025.
  • Photographs must be of at least one adult, free and unrestrained butterfly taken in the field in North America (Canada, Mexico, or the United States).
  • Submit images in JPEG/.jpg format in a file size no larger than 5MB.
  • Photographs must be submitted by the owner of the copyright for the photos.
  • Photos will not be considered with copyright, watermark or other feature that identifies the photographer or obscures the image.
  • If the photograph contains a recognizable person(s), that person(s) must provide a written and signed and dated permission form, granting NABA the right to use the photo in accordance with the contest's Terms of Use.
  • All images must have been taken between October 1, 2024 and September 30, 2025.

By entering, you agree to the terms of use. You will be asked for:

  • name,
  • address
  • email address,
  • phone number,
  • payment of $25 entry fee
  • upload up to five photos, with each photo file including photographer's last name, first name, name of butterfly, location and date photo was taken.

TERMS OF USE: Your email will be used only to verify the validity of the content/images provided and to notify you if you are selected as a winner of the photo contest. Your email will also be added to the NBC and NABA databases, for future communications; however, your personal information and email address will never be shared or sold with any other organization

Photos submitted for consideration may be edited and cropped, as photos are evaluated based upon both technical skill and artistic ability. (See JUDGING, below, for more information.) If you are selected as a winner, you may be asked to provide the raw image of the photo(s) selected containing the original exif information and detailing date of photo, camera and settings.

License and Indemnification:

I hereby grant to the National Butterfly Center and the North American Butterfly Association, and their certified chapters, (together, “Licensees”) a royalty-free, perpetual license to use the photographic images submitted herewith (the "Work") for any purpose whatsoever. Uses may include, but are not limited to, promotion of Licensees and their projects in any way, including on the web, in print publications, as distributed to the media, and in commercial products. Licensees reserve the right to use/not use any Work as deemed appropriate by Licensees in their sole discretion. I have received permission from any identifiable individual(s) in the photography. No Work will be returned once submitted.

I understand that by checking this online form, I hereby acknowledge that Licensees shall bear no responsibility whatsoever for protecting my work against third party infringement of my copyright interest or other intellectual property rights or other rights I may hold in such Work, and in no way shall be responsible for any losses I may suffer as a result of any such infringement; and I hereby represent and warrant that my Work does not infringe the rights of any other individual or entity.

In exchange for valuable consideration, I do hereby unconditionally release, hold harmless and indemnify Licensees, their directors, officers, members, employees and volunteers of and from all claims, liabilities and losses arising out of or in connection with my participation in the contest, Licensees’ use of my Work. This release and indemnification shall be binding upon me, and my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns.

Completion of the photo contest entry process (providing personal information, uploading photos and paying the entry fee) equals acceptance of the contest terms.

JUDGING: Judges will review all the entries. All winning photographs will be posted on the NBC website and may, at the sole discretion of NABA, also be printed in American Butterflies and/or printed and/or shown on a video monitor for exhibition at the NBC.

Photos are evaluated based on both technical skill and artistic ability. Winning photos are those that show the photographer’s skill in composing an image and using a camera. Some of the factors the judges consider when choosing photos include use of light, depth of field, sharpness of focus, color balance, composition, framing, camera angle, originality, and choice of subject matter. All decisions of the judges on all matters relating to the competition are final.

The Sponsor is not responsible for entries that cannot be processed due to network, hardware or other technical failures or lost e-mails. The Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to halt the Contest if it becomes technically corrupted or because of unauthorized human intervention. If the Contest is halted, the Sponsor reserves the right to judge the eligible entries received and award the prizes.

AWARDING OF PRIZES: Notification to the winners will be by e-mail and phone. If a prize winner does not respond to claim the prize within 15 days of notification, the prize will be forfeited. If a prize is returned as undeliverable, the prize will be forfeited. This Contest is void where prohibited and is subject to all applicable laws. Any applicable taxes are the sole responsibility of the winners.

Prizes are as follows:
1st Place, Rio Grande Prix: $500
2nd Place, Runner Up: $250
Honorable Mentions (number of selections subject to judges): $100

Event Properties

Event Date 09-01-2025
Event End Date 09-30-2025
Registration Start Date 09-01-2025
Cut off date 09-30-2025 11:55 pm
Individual Price 25.00
Location National Butterfly Center

Follow Us

nbc outside

Texas Butterfly Festival
3333 Butterfly Park Drive
Mission, TX 78572

[email protected]
GPS Coordinates
26.180243 -98.364973

Thank you to our Sponsors 

cityofmissionrevisedlogo2 Sponsor Logo


heb helping here red and black logo

 bentsen palm


 trip firsts

What will appear this year?